Jumat, 10 April 2009

Pindah Blog - Yuwie

Mulai sekarang aq pindah blog ke:

Sekalian aq mau jelasin sedikit tentang yuwie.

Yuwie adalah semacam friendster atau facebook, tapi dengan kita mengajak orang, kita dibayar oleh yuwie dalam dollar.

Pembayarannya melalui Paypal (Batas bikin id di Paypal 18 tahun T.T)...

Kalau web kita sudah terkenal, dalam kata lain banyak dikunjungi, semakin besar bayaran yuwie kepada kita.

Saat kita daftar, kita ditanyai diajak oleh siapa, jika tidak ada, maka 1 user dari yuwie akan dijadikan referral kita dalam kata lain, orang yang mendapat untung dari kita juga.

Kalo dilihat2, yuwie ini semacam multilevel juga, semakin banyak yang kita ajak, semakin banyak juga keuntungan kita.

Kira2 sampai segitu saja yang bisa saya jelaskan tentang yuwie..

Terima Kasih telah membaca, dan jika ingin mendaftar, tolong isi referral idnya dengan id = 846442

Terima Kasih

Senin, 09 Maret 2009

A Letter

SMAK Penabur Gading Serpong
Jalan Kelapa Gading Barat Raya
Tangerang, Indonesia

March 9th, 2009

Admission Office
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Rm 3-108
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

Dear Sir/Madam,

I write this letter to know SAT and TOEFL minimum score in order to apply for the computer science department. Also, I want to know if SAT 2 is necessary.

I am a student from Indonesia and going to graduate in year 2010. I am interested in computer science and I have heard from many sources that MIT have the best computer science department.

Finally, I want to express my gratitude and also I can be contacted by email in lusimail@yahoo.com.

Faithfully Yours,

Lusia Kristiana

Senin, 23 Februari 2009

2nd Winner in Kompetisi Pemrograman, UNPAR

Kemaren tanggal 21 Februari 2009, aq menang juara 2 lomba pemrograman (tim) di UNPAR (Universitas Parahyangan Bandung)

Seneng banget.. hehe..

Ternyata aq ngga sia2 belajar waktu desember dan januari kemaren (liat posting sebelumnya).. hehehe...

Aq berhasil juga ngga lepas dari dukungan guru dan temen2 aq (Makasih ya!!).. hehehe....


Di bulan Desember, sebelum liburan natal, aq dikasih taw kalo ada lomba pemrograman di khazakstan (olimpiade Zhautykov 2009)...

Selama liburan, aq jadi disuruh bolak-balik ke rumah sepupu buat belajar... (Cuapeee banget...)

Waktu mandekati tahun baru, aq dikasih taw kalo ada pelatihan dari kak Brian (Bronze Medalist, IOI 2007, sekarang lagi kuliah di NTU, Singapore) di bandung dari tanggal 2-9 januari 2009..

Waktu itu tu rasanya males banget buat belajar.. soalnya seumur2 baru kali itu liburan disuruh belajar terus2an, dan kalo aq pikir2 (waktu itu), nyaris ngga ada harapan buat aq untuk dapet medali apapun (karna ilmu yang aq punya saat itu sangat pas2an.. hehe..)

Akhrinya diputuskan juga untuk pergi ke bandung (ijin sekolah dari tanggal 5-9 januari.. hehe..)

Di sana aq dapet banyak ilmu, yang belom pernah aq dapet.. hehe...

Akhirnya tanggal 13 Januari 2009 tiba.. aq pun pergi ke khazakstan bersama membawa nama tim Indonesia (3 orang matematika, 2 orang fisika, 2 orang komputer (termasuk aq))... hehehe....

Ternyata, di Khazhakstan itu lagi musim dingin... (Dingin banget boo... hehe..)

Setelah mengikuti lombanya selama 2 hari, hasilnya pun keluar..
dan seperti yang aq duga, aq ngga dapet apa2... sebenernya waktu itu tu sakit hati, karna, semua orang dalam tim itu dapet medali semua (1 emas, 2 perak, 3 perunggu)...

Tapi, kalo dipikir2, kata2 dari tim aq bener juga, mereka bilang aq bru blajar intensif selama 3 minggu, jadi wajar kalo ngga dapet.... hehe...
Mereka juga bilang kalo dapet nilai 126 dari 600 itu juga udha bagus.. hehe... (Makasih buat kak Brian sama ko Edwin(sepupu) yang udha ngajarin banyak... hehe..)

Ya.. itu jadi pengalaman berharga buat aq... Sekarang aq lagi mengejar medali emas di OSN komputer 2009... Dukung ya!! hehe...

Kamis, 09 Oktober 2008

Revisi Tugas inggris ( surat )

Ini Revisi dari tugas surat yang kemarin...


A letter to the President of IOC

Gading serpong 1A / AG 13 #22, Tanggerang

July 27th, 2oo8

International Olympic Committee
St. Venue Street 28, USA

Dear Mr Roosevelt,

I am the head of Indonesian Sports Club. I always watched the Olympic Games whenever it occurred, and I always wanted to see it live.

I want come to the next Olympic Games, but the money that our club collects only enough for our members. I do not have any more money to purchase a trip. While I am seeking for more sponsors, I found out that there is a chance to win a free trip.

Also, this year my best friend is competing in the next Olympic Games, but her family cannot accompany her because they are very busy recently. She asked me to accompany her on the next Olympic Games.

My best friend is very important for me. She is very easily depressed. She already spent a lot of money to join the Olympic Games and it will be so painful if she feel depressed and withdraw.

My job is also very important. I already work for 10 years and finally I am become the head of Indonesian Sports Club. If I missed an event, our members will think that I do not deserve to be a leader just like the last leader.

Please send any information according to your decision of this letter to the address above or my email adsfjkl@yahoo.com.

I would like to thank you for a chance to win this trip and for your attention to this letter.

Sincerely yours,

(Lusia K. P.)


Evaluation City A, B, and C

Dear Mr Waikoloa,

According to the evaluation of City A, B, and C, I think the best city to be chosen is City B.

From the climate, City A and C could make the athletes easily fatigue. Furthermore, city B already has the biggest amount of venues, an advanced transportation ready to use, and the city is more secure.

I hope my recommendation could be considered. Thank you for the attention.

Sincerely yours,

(Lusia K.P.)

(President of IOC)

Senin, 25 Agustus 2008

Tugas inggris ( surat )

Ini adalah tugas inggris menulis surat


A letter to the President of IOC

Gading serpong 1A / AG 13 #22, Tanggerang

July 27th, 2oo8

International Olympic Committee

St. Venue Street 28, USA

Dear Mr Roosevelt,

I always watched the Olympic Games whenever it occurred, and I always wanted to see it live.

This year my best friend is competing in the next Olympic Games, but her family cannot accompany her because they are very busy recently. She asked me to accompany her on the next Olympic Games, but I do not have enough money to purchase a trip.

My best friend is very important for me. She is very easily depressed. She already spent a lot of money to join the Olympic Games and it will be so painful if she fell depressed and withdraw.

I wish that I could get the free trip so I can support her with all my heart and my energy so she will not fell depressed even if her family does not accompany her.

Please send any information according to your decision of this letter to the address above or my email ********@yahoo.com.

I would like to thank you for a chance to win this trip and for your attention to this letter.

Sincerely yours,

(Lusia K. P.)


Evaluation City A, B, and C

Dear Mr Waikoloa,

According to the evaluation of City A, B, and C, I think the best city to be chosen is City B.

From the climate, City A and C are to hot. Beside of the climate, city B already has the biggest amount of venues, advanced transportation that ready to use, and the city is secure.

I hope my recommendation can be considered. Thank you for the attention.

Sincerely yours,

(Lusia K.P.)

(President of IOC)